The modern catechism of anime is 1 of the most diverse collections in all media, with unique stories, ideas, and characters spanning hundreds of different shows. As such, at that place's something for everybody - and, inevitably, something that matches their zodiac signs.

Every sign is unique, and so in that location'south naturally an anime character that meshes well with everyone watching in some shape or form. They all accept various core attributes that brand them the perfect representations of the many specific signs of the zodiac.

Updated on April sixth, 2022 by Amanda Bruce: Only as there is a zodiac sign for every anime graphic symbol, at that place are multiple characters that fit neatly with the personality traits of every zodiac sign. Fifty-fifty sometimes characters who seem like they couldn't be more different actually have traits in common, like an older environmentalist and a teenage girl hunting monsters. Anime fans might exist surprised just which zodiac signs opposing characters match up with.

Aries: Michiko Malandro And Sakura Kinomoto

Hot-headed, confident, and always rooting for underdogs, every Aries is strong in their convictions and unwavering in their direction. They detest when others become in their mode, specially when their loved ones are at run a risk. Passion drives them.

That makes Michiko of Michiko & Hatchin the ultimate Aries, with her gainsay skills, eagerness for a fight, and long history as a person who stands upwards for the petty people. She'due south loyal to a fault, nonetheless she knows her own worth and power. And while her rage might foil her plans at times, ultimately an Aries has to exercise what an Aries has to exercise. She really has a lot in common with the seemingly meek Sakura Kinomoto of Cardcaptor Sakura. That loyalty and drive is something they share. Sakura might not embrace her rage, but she does permit her love for others to drive her also. She's also canonically an Aries with her zodiac sign in the anime attributed to her April 1 birthday.

Taurus: Himura Kenshin

Tauruses are defined by their beloved for peace and quiet. They enjoy existence in nature and savoring the little things in life - all of which are trademarks of Kenshin (of the anime Ruroni Kenshin), who traded his bloodthirsty past for a peaceful present.

Kenshin is known for his gentle demeanor, striving to sympathize everyone he meets. He only kills equally a last resort, going and then far as to design his sword so it won't draw claret (something fans of The Witcher might capeesh). All Kenshin wants is to pb a simple life with the people he loves, which is a classic Taurus life goal.

Gemini: Fifty Lawliet

As i of the most misunderstood signs, Geminis are congenital of conflicting ideologies. They are generally brilliant thinkers, nonetheless their way of navigating the world is unconventional, somewhat antisocial, and fairly sneaky. And if that isn't Death Note's smashing detective 50 in a nutshell, then no zodiac sign is.

L is notoriously grey in his morals, oftentimes playing multiple sides to become what he wants, which is more for the "greater expert" than for his own desire to solve problems. L is complex and fascinating, and to be compared with him is a sign of great intelligence and aptitude in one'southward goals - provided they don't lose themselves in the process.

Cancer: Takashi Natsume And Usagi Tsukino

Cancers are notoriously sensitive, highly compassionate, and almost painfully in tune with the world effectually them. That perfectly sums up Natsume's Volume Of Friends' titular Natsume, who is so in touch with the earth, he can seeyokai - and his proficiency in this area makes his story 1 of the best occult anime. Despite how difficult his life has been, Natsume always strives to be every bit kind as possible, and he takes the kindnesses of others very seriously. He's thoughtful to a fault, and is and so worried near the feelings of others, he tin can be rather oblivious in all other areas.

Like nigh other Cancers, his sensitivity is his curse, merely it's too his approval. The same is true of the titular graphic symbol in Sailor Moon. Though Usagi Tsukino might be a little more selfish than Natsume at get-go, she grows into someone who always puts the globe beginning. She always wants to reach out to others and brand friends instead of believe the rumors she hears as well - kind as a hero and a loftier school student.

Leo: Victor Nikiforov

Leos are the divas of the zodiacs: they're stylish, friendly, and love being the center of attention. They handle rumors with ease, are naturally very captivating, and do all-time when they get to set their own rules. That makes Yuri on Ice'south ice skating star Victor Nikiforov the all-time representative for this fiery zodiac sign.

Victor has been eye-phase of the ice skating world since he was merely 16 years old. He's incredibly talented, effortlessly charismatic, handsome and well-groomed, and most of all, he's determined to be remembered equally one of the best. Most of all, like a classic Leo, he's romantic, and his attraction to Yuri Katsuki is something he feels no need to hide.

Virgo: Yuugo Hachiken

If anyone was always a Virgo, information technology would be Silver Spoon'due south Hachiken. Virgos are difficult-working, diligent, methodical, and are happiest when working with their easily - such as in agricultural fields. All of these traits fit Hachiken pretty much perfectly.

Hachiken was such an overachiever, he burnt out in a traditional school setting, and thus transferred to an agronomical school where he establish his true calling in life: farming! His work ethic helped him compensate for his lack of feel with farm work, and his Virgo love for nature made the residual easy.

Libra: Lelouch Vi Brittannia And Naruto Uzumaki

Many know Libras for their fixation with residual, but that could hateful a number of things: a need for harmony, a want for equality, or even just a elementary love for aesthetics. In all of these regards, Lelouch Half-dozen Brittania of Lawmaking Geass is an excellent instance of a Libra.

The rebellious prince is willing to go to farthermost lengths in order to attain his goals, which entail the end of societal bigotry and the beginning of a new, harmonious era. While he might seem ruthless in his pursuits, he is ultimately acting out of compassion and he takes care to brand certain all ends are tied upwardly nicely. He and Naruto Uzumaki of the Naruto franchise have similar goals. Naruto isn't as ruthless, but he is simply as determined. Though he's a practiced fighter, fans have dubbed his ability to talk an enemy out of a fight "talk no jutsu."

Scorpio: Haru

Equally another misunderstood sign, Scorpios are often feared for their secrecy, cleverness, and boldness. They're confident in their sexuality and are ofttimes difficult to read, and in the confront of adversity, they retaliate with calculated calmness. Such assured individuals are often reviled - just like Cherryton Loftier's Haru of Beastars.

Haru is a sugariness dwarf rabbit who unfortunately has to put up a front, due to all the ridicule and infantilization she's endured throughout her life. Many students see her as a threat due to how comfortable she is in her skin, both as a sexual being and as a confident immature girl. But Haru is keenly enlightened of all of this - she only prefers being herself to the opposite.

Sagittarius: Guts

The path of a Sagittarius is ultimately their own to master. Even when the going gets rough, their sense of individual responsibility remains their utmost priority - and it is this sense of individual responsibility that makes Berserk's Guts a model Sagittarius.

During the Golden Age, Guts had a good life: he had good friends he could rely on, was making good money, and had a take a chance to wield his sword for a worthy cause. Simply ultimately, he left that all behind, because he needed to figure out what his own purpose for living was. Every Sagittarius can relate to this powerful theme.

Capricorn: Ginko And Blake Belladonna

Capricorns walk a fine line between calculated proficiency and compassionate intuition. As such, Mushishi's Ginko is the quintessential Capricorn, as he's dedicated his life to studyingmushi and helping others alive amongst them while losing a more "human" appearance. Along with this, Capricorns are comfortable hiking through rugged terrain, as they thrive in natural settings, and Ginko is ever trekking through forests and mountains in his bid to protect the environment. With his pursuit of knowledge, his boundless patience, and his unwavering devotion, there is no ameliorate fit for a Capricorn than Ginko.

Well, there is one. RWBY's Blake Belladonna has that sense of Capricorn duty, loyalty, and a true commitment to hard work. She never gives up, no matter how hard a task is, axiomatic by her continuing on her quest to rid the world of Grimm with her friends despite every footstep of their journeying making stopping Salem seem impossible. She's dedicated her life to condign a Huntswoman, and even her schoolhouse being attacked and shut downwardly couldn't stop her.

Aquarius: Kaworu Nagisa

Widely considered to exist the flower children of the zodiac globe, Aquariuses are dreamers, constantly looking to the future and how they can change it for the better - fifty-fifty if that modify comes at a cost. With an almost ethereal manner nigh them, it's obvious Kaworu of Neon Genesis Evangelion represents this sign the best.

Even though he's only present in a few episodes, Kaworu's presence is lasting, with his unique appearance, otherworldly manner, and bizarre mode of speaking. At one time, he's both childishly whimsical, and frighteningly radical in his goals. Kaworu is who every Aquarius strives to exist - for better, and for worse.

Pisces: Tsukimi Kurashita

Pisces is the zodiac sign that is a little quirky, as they occupy a space between reality and daydreams. They fixate on things intensely and can become pretty impressive artists. Therefore, who else is a better Pisces in anime than Tsukimi, Princess Jellyfish herself?

Tsukimi is somewhat of a recluse, finding condolement in cartoon dresses inspired by jellyfish. She's talented, kind, and has a bright future alee of her simply her Pisces nature makes information technology difficult for her to achieve out across her condolement zone, preferring to stay in her room.

NEXT: Which Sailor Moon Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

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